Former Columbia City Parks Superintendent Sentenced for Embezzling Over $240K

Mark Green, the former superintendent of Columbia City Parks and Recreation, has found himself in a sticky situation. After being caught red-handed embezzling over $240,000 from city funds, his days of luxury spending on baseball cards have come to an end. The once-respected figure now faces a three-year sentence for his shady financial endeavors, leaving the community stunned at the breach of trust.

Green’s downfall began when Columbia City Mayor Ryan Daniel noticed some fishy activity in the city’s financial records back in March 2023. Suspecting foul play, an investigation kicked off, bringing together a team from the Whitley County Prosecutor’s Office, Indiana State Police, and the Indiana State Board of Accounts. What they unveiled was a web of deceit woven by Green, leading to his prompt termination from his lofty position.

According to court documents, Green shamelessly splurged approximately $246,000 on baseball cards from ‘Sport Spot,’ using the city’s credit card as if it were his personal shopping spree. To cover his tracks, he resorted to selling some of the cards on eBay, a move that eventually led to his undoing. Confronted with the evidence, Green confessed to the unauthorized expenditures, sealing his fate in the eyes of the law.

Initially facing a string of serious charges including corrupt business influence, theft, and official misconduct, Green ultimately struck a plea deal in April 2024. By pleading guilty to a single count of theft, he managed to dodge the bulk of the accusations against him. However, this agreement came at a hefty price – a restitution totaling a staggering $275,628, with funds earmarked for a bond company and the city itself.

As the gavel of justice came crashing down on Green in his sentencing hearing on Monday, the court had some tough decisions to make. The former superintendent was mandated to serve at least one year of his three-year sentence, a period that could entail jail time or work release. The remainder of his sentence would be served under probation, a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions that tarnished his reputation and shook the community to its core.

Beyond the personal fate of Mark Green, this high-profile case has shone a harsh light on the lacking financial oversight within Columbia City’s Parks and Recreation Department. The breach of trust and misuse of public funds have sparked urgent calls for tighter controls and audits to prevent such incidents from recurring. As the city grapples with the fallout of this scandal, the lessons learned will hopefully pave the way for greater accountability and transparency in the management of public resources.


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