Knoxville Store Burglarized: $22,000 Stolen Jerseys

In a daring act of theft, Cody Denning found himself in deep trouble with the law after breaking into Underdog Collectibles in Knoxville. The incident led to Denning’s arrest on multiple charges, including burglary, theft of property, and vandalism, as he made off with a haul of 17 highly coveted autographed jerseys, amounting to a staggering loss of almost $22,000 for the store.

The brazen burglary unfolded late one evening in May when Denning initially visited the store, seemingly to survey the jerseys that would soon be the target of his nefarious schemes. Surveillance footage captured Denning meticulously examining and rearranging the jerseys around 8:50 p.m., hinting at his criminal intentions. He even mentioned his plans to return for the jerseys to his wife during this initial visit. True to his words, Denning struck in the early hours of the morning, forcibly gaining entry to the store by hurling a rock through the storefront window and proceeding to pilfer the prized possessions in two separate raids.

Denning’s attempts to offload some of the stolen goods were soon recorded when he tried to sell two of the purloined jerseys at a local sports retailer, Pro Image Sports in West Town Mall. To further cement his culpability, police identified additional incriminating evidence in the form of missing hats from the store that turned up in surveillance footage from Denning’s vehicle, solidifying his role in the grand theft.

In a bid to recover the stolen jerseys, Underdog Collectibles turned to social media, enlisting the help of the public. They appealed to anyone who might encounter the pilfered jerseys to reach out to them for verification using the provided serial numbers. Their ultimate goal is to bring the perpetrator to justice and retrieve the stolen merchandise to prevent any further losses.

Fortunately, despite the brazen break-in, Underdog Collectibles reassured the public that the physical damage to the store was minimal, and no individuals were harmed during the burglary. They continue to solicit the aid of the community in tracing the whereabouts of the stolen jerseys, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in thwarting future theft incidents and facilitating the return of the pilfered items.


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